+30.210.3617.190 +30.210.3617.195 info@octane.gr
Applied Strategy > Growth Strategy & New Market Entry
Growth Strategy & New Market Entry
Sustainable growth is no longer a “nice to have” company attribute, but is essential for long-term survival in today’s markets.

Sustainable growth is no longer a “nice to have” company attribute, but is essential for long-term survival in today’s markets. It is not uncommon, however, for companies to either grow unprofitably, too quickly or through moves unrelated to core competencies which usually lead to destruction of value. Organic and acquired growth needs to relate to the company’s DNA and be consistent with  its core strategy.

OCTANE can support your company in identifying its core competencies and the ways in which these can be leveraged for growth either in existing or new markets, be they geographical or commercial.  We then proceed to identify specific growth opportunities and evaluate both the “size of the prize” as well as their fit to the company’s overall strategy and key competitive strengths. Finally, we carry out analysis of all factors affecting entry into the new market (barriers, competition, regulation, future outlook), build detailed market entry roadmaps and are available to manage or support any part of the entry process.

Key Issues Addressed

  • What is it that we do better than the competition?
  • How can we leverage these competencies in order to grow?
  • Where should we direct our managerial and financial resources?
  • What opportunities are available to us and what are the potential returns?
  • What risks should we be prepared to deal with, and how?