+30.210.3617.190 +30.210.3617.195 info@octane.gr
Internal Alignment
Internal Alignment
We work within the organization to design and implement the tools, methods and behaviours that align and motivate your employees to achieve the company’s strategic goals.

We work within the organization to design and implement the tools, methods and behaviours that align and motivate your employees to achieve the company’s strategic goals.

We begin by identifying the key constraints and issues that create friction and weaken corporate energies, and we then design the appropriate combination of structural changes, management methods and processes, and communication tools in order to engage and energize your workforce.

Relevant Experience

The partners of OCTANE have conducted over 100 projects dealing with the alignment of a company’s employees towards a common strategic goal. We have supported companies ranging from 10 to 8,000 employees in the diagnosis of internal problems and the development and implementation of processes, management tools and communication vehicles which improve employee alignment, engagement and satisfaction. We have been directly involved in the implementation of tailor-made performance management and incentive schemes in organizations ranging from oil refineries and mining units to retail networks to public sector departments, handling the difficult discussions with employees required for the acceptance of these mechanisms within Greek organizations.

Indicative Projects

  • Development of a 5-year HR strategy for a large Greek industrial with more than 6,000 employees
  • Design and implementation of a 16-month internal change project involving the employees of a large Greek consumer goods firm
  • Vision and values formulation and internal communication for a top-3 Greek bank organization
  • Development and implementation of a balanced scorecard and KPIs for a public-sector energy company
  • Design and four-year execution of an employee climate survey for a major Greek food retailer with more than 8,000 employees
  • Development of a performance management system covering all 1.200 employees of a large Greek industrial company
  • Redesign and implementation support for the incentive scheme of the agency network of a top-3 Greek insurance firm